Have a Soda

"Everything's okay." My Mother said to me as she handed me a can of cola.
Whenever something bad happened, she let me have a soda. Be it, getting beaten up by a bully, losing a friend, even falling down at the park and scraping my knee. At one point, when I was five, I started hurting myself deliberately, just for soda. I'll admit, it got a little out of hand.
When I started hurting myself, it was just knee scrapes or paper cuts, but as this went on and I ran low on things to do for cola, I started mutilating myself, cutting my face and saying I tripped, stabbing myself claiming I had been in a gang fight. Over the years, It only got worse from there, for example, breaking my arm on purpose.
Then finally, at the age of 19, even though I could've very well just bought soda on my own, I drove my car into my garage and let it run, hoping my Mom would return from the store soon. I would lie to her and tell her I hit my head trying to get out of the car, and passed out. A minute or two passed, and no one came, I was just about to get out of the car when all of a sudden, someone tapped on my window. It was a man in a black suit, holding a brief case.
"Sir. I'm with the Cola company, and we've got you surrounding so don't think about escaping." He yelled incredibly loudly.
"What the hell?" I thought.
Suddenly I realized, I was completely surrounded by men in suits, leaning against every car door.
"Oh god, let me out!" I shouted.
He just chuckled and said, "The cycle must go on, we kill you, bottle your fluids, and then it's someone else's turn"
I was lucky my mother came home just then and threatened to call the police. They ran after that.
Now you may be thinking to yourself. What the hell did I just read? Well, you read the start and finish of an addiction. Of course, it wasn't my decision to stop, I would have gladly continued drinking it regardless of what it contained. However, it was discontinued after that. I broke the cycle and my addiction.